ALEKS Math Placement Test

This page contains a link to purchase an ALEKS access code and take the math placement test. Additionally, it provides directions and a summary of frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Click here to Purchase an ALEKS access code and take the test.


  • After clicking on the link above, you must sign in with your FSUID and password to access the test.
  • You will be asked to agree to terms of use for ALEKS.
  • Select FSU ALEKS, Sum/Fall24-Sp25, AY 2024 by clicking on the circle with three dots and choose “Apply access.”  If you do not see the box, click "Add Class" and then enter this 10-character class code: XT9NF-JFKUF (then proceed to apply access).
  •  For first time access, select “No, I need to purchase an access code.”
  • You will need to purchase online access using a credit card and then receive the 20-character online access code via email. Be sure to save this for future use!
  • The cost is $20 and must be paid by credit card [includes initial test, 3 retakes plus access to learning modules]. If you have questions, contact ACE at or (850) 645-0852.



What is the ALEKS math placement test?

The ALEKS math placement test is an on-line, skill-based assessment exam that assists our Math Department in placing students in the appropriate math course during their first semester at FSU.  For more information, go to

Why do students need to take the ALEKS math placement test?

FSU is committed to supporting and laying the foundation for student success. Mathematics courses at FSU are rigorous courses, and it is important that students are registered for the appropriate math course based on their current skill level and abilities.

Who needs to take the ALEKS math placement test?

All incoming Freshman students who intend to register for Analytic Trigonometry (MAC 1114), Pre-Calculus Algebra (MAC 1140), Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (MAC 2311) or Calculus for Business (MAC 2233) as their first mathematics course at FSU (in their first semester or subsequent semesters) will be required to take the ALEKS exam, unless they have earned college mathematics credit with a C- or better in a MAC course through high school dual enrollment/transfer credit or have earned MAC credit with an appropriate AP, IB, AICE, or CLEP official test score.

What if a student needs to take College Algebra (MAC 1105) or another math course not listed above?

The ALEKS placement test is not required to take MAC 1105 (College Algebra), but it is strongly encouraged for majors that required math courses higher than College Algebra so that students have the opportunity to earn advanced placement beyond MAC 1105.  If students plan to register for MGF 1130 (Mathematical Thinking), MGF 1131 (Mathematics in Context) or a statistics course, they do not need to take the ALEKS test.

What if a student has incoming dual enrollment/transfer credit, or passing test scores for prerequisite math coursework?
If a student has earned college credit with a grade of C- or better in a MAC course through high school dual enrollment/transfer credit, or they have earned MAC credit with an appropriate AP, IB, AICE, or CLEP official test score, then they do not have to take the ALEKS test. Entering students who are still awaiting AP, IB, AICE, or CLEP test scores during orientation, should take ALEKS prior to orientation to avoid course registration delays.

What if I do not know what math course I will need to take in my first semester at FSU?

Mathematics requirements vary by your career goals and by your major. Your best source of information about WHICH math courses you need to take is the Academic Map for your chosen major, which you can find here:  Majors that are likely to require one of the above listed math courses include the following:  any major in the natural or hard sciences, mathematics or statistics-based majors, computer science, engineering, and any major in the College of Business.

When do I need to take the ALEKS test?

Students must take the ALEKS test online before registering for any of the math courses listed above. Students should take the ALEKS test before their scheduled orientation date so they are able to register for a math course while on campus for orientation. Compliance with the testing requirement will be monitored by the Math Department prior to and during the drop/add period.  The Math Department will communicate with students directly regarding any testing compliance issues.

How do I interpret my ALEKS score?

To view the chart that outlines your course eligibility, go to

What is the Learning Module that is included in the ALEKS product?

After taking the initial assessment, students have access to a learning module that adaptively helps the student to hone rusty but fundamentally sound skills.  Students can use the learning module to improve skills and then retake the test, or use it as a supplemental tool to assist in preparing for and successfully completing a math course.  The learning module is available to the student for one year after taking the placement test.

How much does the test cost?

The cost of the exam is $20 and will be paid directly by the student through the ALEKS website.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the ALEKS math placement test?

Detailed information about taking the ALEKS exam can be found here:

If you have additional questions regarding the ALEKS exam, please contact the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) at or (850) 645-0852.