Student Cancellation of Schedule
- Prior to the first day of classes, a student may cancel his/her registration by dropping all courses using the Web site registration system.
- Prior to and during the first five days of a semester, or summer session, a student may cancel registration by submitting a written request to the Office of the University Registrar , (A3900 University Center, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2480; [850] 644–3403). Students who cancel registration within this time frame are not liable for tuition; if tuition has been paid, students should request a refund from the Office of Student Financial Services .
- Beyond the fourth class day students cannot cancel registration, but must officially withdraw from the University. Students allowed to register in error will have their registration canceled.
- The University may automatically drop students for non–payment of tuition. See, "Cancellation of Student Schedules for Non-payment of Tuition" for more information.
- International students who wish to cancel their registration must request and receive prior authorization from an International Center advisor. In addition, international students should submit the SEVIS Update Form, available at withdraw .
Cancellation of Student Schedules for Non-Payment of Tuition
Students are expected to pay all tuition and fees by the published deadline for each semester they enroll. In accordance with Rule 6C-7.002(6), F.A.C., students who do not pay tuition and fees or make arrangements to pay tuition and fees by the end of the established fee payment deadline will have their schedules canceled and academic progress discontinued for the semester. Students who are canceled for non-payment of tuition and fees will not be permitted to attend classes or receive grades after the cancellation takes place. If you are anticipating having difficulty paying your tuition, you must make formal payment arrangements with the Office of Student Financial Services, A1500 University Center, to avoid cancellation. Appeals for reinstatements will only be considered for those students who have not had their schedules cancelled for nonpayment more than two times.
It is important that all students ensure they have an active FSU e-mail account. The FSU e-mail account is the official method by which the University will communicate with students concerning any outstanding financial obligations, including outstanding tuition and fees. Students will receive an official e-mail communication from the Office of Student Financial Services at the end of the third week of the semester alerting them to the possibility of the cancellation of their current term's schedule. Students will then have the opportunity to pay tuition and fees or make arrangements to pay tuition and fees to avoid being canceled.
Students who fail to pay tuition and fees or make formal arrangements to pay tuition and fees by the end of the semester will receive an e-mail notification from the Office of the University Registrar. This notification will inform the student that his or her schedule has been canceled and explain appeal process for the reinstatement of their schedule.
Students may check their account status at anytime at My Bill to determine any amounts owed to the university and verify that payments have been made.
Reinstatement of Student Schedules
Students whose schedules are cancelled for non-payment of tuition and fees may appeal to the University Registrar for the reinstatement of their schedule. The appeal must be made in writing and must be submitted to the University Registrar (A3900 University Center) no later than the end of the 12th week of the fall or spring semester. Consult the Registration Guide for summer term deadlines. The appeal will be reviewed and acted upon in a timely manner. Approval of the reinstatement of a student's schedule is contingent upon verification from the Office of Student Financial Services that tuition and fees have been paid or that formal arrangements have been made for tuition and fee payment. Reinstatement of schedules will also include a $100.00 late registration fee and a $100.00 late payment fee. Checks or credit card payments that are returned or refused will negate any tuition and fee payment arrangement for the reinstatement of a student's schedule. Also, the University reserves the right to deny reinstatement when a student has demonstrated a pattern of tuition delinquencies over a period of two or more semesters.
FSU student attending other institutions as a transient student
Enrollment forms to be a transient or dual enrollment student at a Florida public institution are now available through the “Student Services†section of: . Please review the difference between being a Transient Student and a Dual Enrollment student below:
Transient student: You are an FSU student and you wish to take a course(s) at another Florida public institution during a term when you are not in attendance at FSU. (EX: summer coursework at a community college close to home.)
Dual enrollment student: You are an FSU student and you wish to take a course(s) at another Florida public institution during a term when you are also enrolled in courses at FSU. Special restrictions apply to this option. Check with your Academic Dean before applying.
- Must have a cumulative FSU GPA of 2.0. Must submit form and obtain chain of approvals (Academic Advisor, University Health Services, Financial Aid, Office of Undergraduate Studies, Registrar).
- Because the form was designed for students wishing to do transient work, please specify in the “comments†section if you wish to be a dual enrollment student rather than a transient student.
- Students are responsible for making arrangements to have their transcript for courses taken at another institution sent back to the Office of Admissions at FSU. This is not an automatic action. You must make a formal request to the institution to have the transcript of your course work sent to FSU.
- If you do not have an overall 2.0 GPA at FSU, you are not eligible to do transient or dual enrollment work. You may, however, take correspondence courses through State of Florida Correspondence Study. Check with your Academic Dean before applying for this type of course work. For more information, please go to .
- Students wishing to do transient work at a private or out-of-state institution should check with the Transfer Evaluation Specialist in the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
Log-in Instructions for Florida Virtual Campus are listed below:
- Go to .
- Click/Hover over Succeed in School and select the Take a Course at Another School option.
- At the bottom of this page will be a link to Start or Check the Status of your Transient Student Application now.
- You will then be re-directed to a log-in screen.
- Once you choose Florida State University from the drop down menu under Select Your Home Institution, this message will appear – Click Here to Login with your FSUID.
- Once you click on this link, you will be directed to the “MyFSU†homepage where you will log in with your regular FSI ID and Password.
- Once you complete your log in, you will once again be re-directed to FLVS where you can complete the transient/dual enrollment application.
Taking a Semester Off
Students who choose to take a semester or two off, may do so without the requirement of applying for readmission. We understand that circumstances may arise that cause a disruption in your academic process; therefore to ease your move back into the university we have maintained your status as a current student. As a result, you are eligible to register for your next term of enrollment using the on-line registration system. Once you have not enrolled for three consecutive terms you will need to apply for readmission. Please check with other university offices (Housing and Financial and Aid, etc.) for related concerns.
- If you are not registered for classes and are in good academic standing, then you do not need to do anything. There is no form or paperwork of any kind that must be completed. Simply do not register for courses during the term(s) in which you intend to be away from school.
- If you are currently registered for next semester and are in good academic standing, then you need to cancel your registration before the first day of classes.
- If you are currently registered for next semesters but you are now academically ineligible (dismissed from the University), the Office of the Registrar will cancel your registration if you have not done so.
- If you are currently registered for classes and you want to leave in the midst or during a term of enrollment then you must withdraw from the University. Please contact the Withdrawal Office at 850-644-1741.
Transferring to Another School
While we hate to lose any student we understand that some students need to leave FSU. We wish you well in your future academic endeavors and if you need any further assistance please feel free to contact us. You may request an official transcript through My Official Transcript Request .
- If you are not registered for classes and are in good academic standing, then you do not need to do anything. There is no form or paperwork of any kind that must be completed. Simply do not register for courses during the term(s) in which you intend to be away from school.
- If you are currently registered for next semester and are in good academic standing, then you need to cancel your registration before the first day of classes.
- If you are currently registered for next semesters but you are now academically ineligible, the Office of the Registrar will cancel your registration if you have not done so.
If you are currently registered for classes and you want to leave in the midst or during a term of enrollment then you must withdraw from the University.
Emergency Leave
Notification of Temporary Absence Due To Emergency
If you must miss one or more class meetings due to a personal or family emergency, it is important that you contact your instructors to notify them of your absence. To search for your instructor's contact information please go to this directory
If you must be out for two or more consecutive class meetings due to an emergent situation, contact your academic Dean's office or the Department of Student Support and Transitions to request that an absence notification letter be sent to each of your instructors. This letter does not excuse you from classes but serves as a formal notification. It is your responsibility to discuss with your instructors any make-up work or negotiate a change of assignment deadlines.