Every Semester
Utilize the Academic Center for Excellence It houses academic resources such as individual peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, workshops and conduct Personal Academic Consultations.
Attend ACE Workshops It's your time to brush up on study skills, time management techniques, note and test-taking strategies and more.
Engage. Whether you self-identify as an underrepresented or non-traditional student, or just want to expand your personal perceptions, participate in programming designed for these students. https://cge.fsu.edu/
Visit each instructor’s office hours at least once. Introduce yourself and ask a few questions about succeeding in the course. These interactions could lead to a long-term relationship resulting in research opportunities and a reference for future employment or advanced education.
Meet with your Academic Advisor. Every FSU student is assigned a professional academic advisor who is committed to your personal, academic and professional success. Advisors can also connect you to information, tools, and resources that empower you to make informed decisions about creating appropriate academic and career plans to achieve your goals.
Appointments with most advisors can be made by using the Campus Connect icon found in your my.FSU portal. Your advisors name and contact information is also listed on your my.FSU portal
Use the Academic Calendar and Your Class Syllabi. Stay on top of FSU deadlines for changing your courses or your grade options with the academic calendar. Make note of important assignments and how much they're worth towards your final grade as well.