Student Ombudsman Office

Resources and Links:

An academic ombudsman officer is an appointed, impartial, and independent party who helps members of the FSU community resolve matters by offering informal and confidential exploration of options.

Contact Us:

Grant Escue, University Student Ombuds

Office of Compliance and Ethics

The Ombudsman Can:

  • Listen to your complaint
  • Clarify university policy
  • Answer questions concerning appropriate channels
  • Assist with problems that have not been resolved by other offices
  • Informally look into your complaint
  • Make referrals to individuals who can address your concern
  • Help define options that are available to you
  • Recommend changes to university policy, rules, or procedures that are outdated, unclear, or ineffective
  • Open avenues of communication; facilitate conversations
  • Offer a SAFE place to discuss your concerns

Core Principles:

  • Independence: The Ombuds Office is independent in structure, function and appearance to the highest degree possible within the organization
  • Confidentiality: Identities and concerns discussed with the Ombuds Office will not be shared with anyone else without permission, except to the extent required by law, including without limitation, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
  • Informality: The Ombuds Office is an informal resource that considers the interests and concerns of all members of the student community.
  • Impartiality: The Ombuds Officer does not take sides, but considers the rights and interests of all parties involved in searching for a fair resolution to the problem.

Useful Links and Resources: